The Brunel M3D Inspection Microscope


The Brunel M3D breaks new ground in the technology of inspection microscopy. The M3D is designed to allow 3D examination of objects by TV monitor and computer. The unit has a rotating vision port that allows components to be seen from a variety of angles in 3D that is ideal for examining specimens with depth and in particular small bore holes and projections. The quality of the optical system is excellent.   

Taken through the M3D Inspection Microscope at a magnification of x30. Shows the rotation effect on small components of a circuit board. Reduced resolution to facilitate download speed.

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Fully automated system allowing electronic adjustment of

 zoom, focus, viewing angles and depth of focus   


The zoom range of the system gives a magnification of x0.9

  to x45 that is motor driven   


The M3D has integral LED incident lighting, with variable

 angle options that are controlled electronically   


The video head is integral to the system and gives an analogue

 output equivalent to 470 lines. Computer visualisation is via a

 PCI card (not supplied).   


The M3D head is mounted on a heavy duty longarm stand

 that has an extremely effective gliding stage   


The unit comes complete with a set of 4 circuit board holders

 that are positioned magnetically on the stage


This is an exceptional inspection instrument designed to allow the quality control and diagnostics of any manufactured items.



Inspection Microscope - for purchase details click here.....